






Unit One: Asia


1. tiring  adj. (事、物)令人疲劳的,使人厌倦的          be tired of   ...感到厌烦

tired  adj.  ( )感到疲劳                                 

amaze  v     使惊奇

amazed   adj.  (人)感到惊奇                        

  Amazing   adj.  (事、物)令人惊奇的

2. Palace Museum 故宫

the Forbidden City 紫禁城

the Great Wall 长城

the Summer Palace 颐和园

the old Summer Palace  圆明园

3. used to do sth. 过去常做某事,现在不了

be used to (doing) sth.  习惯于某事或习惯于做某事。

get/become used to (doing) sth. 变得习惯于某事或习惯于做某事, [来源:**Z*X*X*K]

be used to do sth.   be used for doing sth.      被用来做某事

4. had better do sth  最好做某事               

had better not do sth  最好不要做某事

疑问句:hadn’t + 主语 + better...?

5. turn相关短语:

turn into  转变成,改造成                    turn to 转向;翻到(书的某一页);向某人求救   

turn left/right 左转/图片关键词                      turn red 变红    

turn out结果是                              turn up调高   

turn down调低                              turn on 打开   

turn off关掉                                turn back 返回

6. be worth +名词/doing sth. 值得(做某事)

   be well worth doing sth. 非常值得做某事

7. riseraise辨析




用      法














8. 方位名词和方位形容词
















9. lie  (lay  lain  lying  lies) 位于,躺,平放

lie  (lied  lied  lying  lies) 说谎;谎言(n.

lay  (laid  laid  laying lays) 放置,下蛋

lie in    位于...内部                       

lie on     两地接壤  

lie to    相隔一段距离

10. have/has been to   表示主语去过某地

   have/has gone to   表示主语去了某地

11.  in total    意为总共,总计

12.  take part in    意为参加,加入

13.  in addition    意为另外

14.  return to    意为回到

15.  be dropped       意为被抛弃,被放弃

16. hang   悬挂          hung  hung  hanging  hangs

17. look的短语

look down 俯视          look after 照顾           look at ……[来源:,,Z,X,X,K]

look back回顾          look for寻找             look forward to盼望

look into调查            look like看起来像         look over检查

look in the eyes 注视       look away 转移目光

18. take的短语

take up  占用(时间),占据(空间)     take notice of 关注   

take off (飞机)起飞;脱下;动身    take a look看一下take a walk 散步

take action采取行动 take away带走,拿走,取走  take care of 照顾;抚养
take...to.........     take photos照相,拍照     take over 接受;接管

take a break休息一会儿 take down记下;拆卸       take notes 做笔记;记录

take place发生;进行   take things as they come 既来之则安之

take on new challenges 接受新挑战


How large is the population of your hometown?             你们家乡有多少人口?
What is the population of Canada?          加拿大的人口有多少?




Unit Two: Great People


1. hear of 听说,得知 常接人或事物

  heard about听说,得知 后常接事情类的名词

  hear from 收到某人的来信   = get a letter from sb / receive a letter from sb

2. Invent   v.    发明

   Invention   n.    发明物

   Inventor   n.    发明家

动词变名词() ① 常见+er  runner, swimmer, shopper, explorer

② +or  visitor, survivor, actor, director, collector

③ +ist  artist, pianist, scientist

3. become interested in  ….感兴趣. become可换为be/get,主语通常是人.

4. join 参加, 主要指加入某个组织(如军队,党派, 社团, 协会等), 成为其中一员.

serve vi. 意为服役”;还可以vt.表示服务,招待”.后跟人作宾语. 意为……服务"名词形式是service.

5. 辨析mange to do sth.try to do sth.

manage to do sth.      设法做成某事.强调结果成功完成”;

try to do sth.      尽力做某事,强调动作,不知道此事能否做成.

6. out of control  失去控制,无法管理.         

beyond control  难以控制                

  under control 被控制的    

7. order 作名词,意为命令,指挥,要求,”, “顺序, 订单

  order 作动词, 意为命令;订货; 点菜.”

 使...井然有序     make sth in good order

8. cut的短语

cut …short “缩短”    cut down 砍倒;削减    cut in 插嘴,插队    cut off   切断, 隔断    cut out 剪去, 关掉

9. fatherfurther辨析


farther 表示距离上更远, 凡是能用farther的地方, further也能用;

further 除了有更远讲之外还可以表示抽象意义的更远,更进一步, 更深入farther 不能这样用.

10. the pride of …..意为”… 的骄傲

take pride in  为自豪.

be proud of “为自豪,” 

11. make a/the/no difference (to…)/没有作用,有/没有影响
12. wash their clothes by hand  手洗衣服

13. have a day out外出一天

14. marry的短语

marry sb     嫁给某人,与……结婚

be/get married to sb     与某人结婚

marry sb to sb     父母把女儿嫁给某人 为儿子娶媳妇

have/has been married     结婚已有一段时间

15. scientist 名词,科学家, science 名词 科学 scientific 形容词 科学的

16. be famous for  ...而出名

  be famous as  作为...而出名

17. admire sb for (doing) sth ...而钦佩/赞赏某人 

18. wide的变形

 widely, 副词,广泛地,普遍地

 wide, 形容词,宽的,宽阔的

   wide, 副词,主要表示张大、睁大到最大程度

19. die的用法

 die of : 死于...     常指死于疾病,衰老等自身的原因。

   die from: 死于...   常指死因不是人体的内在原因,而是由环境造成(主要是事故等方面的外部原因)

20. happen to do sth  碰巧做某事    

21. be introduced into....    被传入到……被引进到……

22. increase by increase to辨析

increase by+倍数或百分数表示增加...倍或百分之....

increase to +具体的增长后的数字表示增加...


What did/does/do… mean by…?  …什么意思?

= what did /does/do …mean?

= what’s the meaning of…?






Unit Three: Robots


1. complain to sb about sth                              向某人投诉某东西

complain about/of sth.                               抱怨某事

complain to sb.                                     向某人抱怨


2. post a letter for sb.   为某人寄封信

3. help with homework/housework  帮助辅导家庭作业/干家务活

4. explore outer places     探索太空

5. do dangerous jobs  做危险的工作

6. do whatever they’re asked to  无论图片关键词它们被要求做什么就做什么

7. make one’s life much easier  使某人的生活容易多了

8. tidy up  清洁,打扫

9.  in general  总的来说,大体上

10. satisfy one’s needs  满足某人的需求  

11. be satisfied/happy with sb.  对某人满意的

12. go wrong   出现问题;机器发生故障,出毛病

13. catch a virus   染上病毒

14. no longer = not … any longer   不再[来源:学科网]

15. work properly  正确地工作

16. make stupid mistakes  犯愚蠢的错误

17. be in a mess  杂乱不堪          make a mess  搞得一塌糊涂

18. knock over  撞倒

19. be too 图片关键词much trouble   太麻烦    

20. have a poor memory  记忆力不好

21. for free  免费地    

22. first of all  首先

23. up to standard  合格

24. regret having done sth.  后悔做了某事

25. expect sb. to do sth.  期待某人去做某事

26. Go up and down stairs         上下楼梯


1. They could do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high buildings.  


2. Could robots help you and me in any way?  机器人能以某种方式帮助你和我吗?

3. He is always too busy to have any time to relax.  他总是太忙而没有时间放松。

4. His business suit was smoothly ironed.  他的工作服被光滑地熨烫过了。

5. His lunch box was already prepared.  他的便当已经准备好了。图片关键词

6. It would go shopping at the supermarket as well.  它也会去超市购物。

7. His flat would look as good as new.  他的公寓会看起来像新的一样

8. That allowed Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked.  那允许江先生可以做他喜欢的事。

9. It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang’s needs.  看起来这个机器人大体上满足了江先生的需求。

10. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his图片关键词 flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bills 图片关键词and his private papers were spread all over the floor.  

当江先生回到家,他会发现家里乱作一团:食物放在床上, 牛奶储存在垃圾桶里,硬币、帐单和他的私人文件撒得满地都是。

11. Robots can help people a lot, but they can also be too much trouble!  


12. Would a robot bring any changes to your life?  机器人会给你的生活带来一些变化吗?

13. What might cause a robot not to work properly?  什么会使机器人不正常工作?

14. It is too much trouble to own a robot.   拥有一个机器人太麻烦

15. I notice the robot busy with all kinds of housework  我注意到机器人忙于各种家务。

16. I consider the robot a great help in my daily life.  我认为机器人在我的日常生活中作用极大。

17. go on a business trip (to sp.)  因公(去某地)出差

18. have a serious heart problem  有严重的心脏问题

19. Please hold and I’ll put you through.  请不要挂断,我将为你接通。

20. have it checked  请别人检查它(机器人)

have sth. done  请别人做某事


1. 宾语从句&宾语+宾语补足语

2. 宾语从句&疑问词+to do不定式

3. 状语从句&to do不定式



Unit Four: Life on Mars


1、以光的速度行驶     travel at the speed of light  

2、呈药丸形状     in the form of pills

3随着……的发展[来源:,,Z,X,X,K]with the development of

4人口的飞速增长     rapid increase in population

5迅速地增加     increase rapidly

62100为止         图片关键词by the year 2100

7与火星生活相比       compared with life on Mars

8干粮             dried food

9地球引力的八分之三        thre图片关键词e-eights of the gravity on Earth

10火星和太阳之间的距离     the distance between 图片关键词Mars and the Sun

11运送大量的乘客           carry a large number of / large numbers of passengers

12可以指望……          It is hoped that

13对某人有极大的帮助          be of great help / be very he图片关键词lpful图片关键词 to sb

14专门设计来做……[来源:**Z*X*X*K]              be specially designed to do

15A连接B           .connect A to B

16绕太阳运转      circle around the Sun

17 ……相似      be similar to

18开展一个调查         carry out a survey

图片关键词19住在火星上的优势          advantages of living on Mars

20因住在那里生病         get ill from living there

21以讨论开始            start /begin with a discussion

22意见一致          in agreement

23住在火星上的可能性              the possibility of living on Mars

24火星生活指南            a guide to living on Mars[来源:学科网ZXXK]

25重新开始          start all over again

26毕竟            after all

27公共交通系统             public transport system

28一种很受欢迎的……图片关键词              a very popular form of

29变得越来越拥挤             become more and more crowded

30图片关键词记英语日记            keep an English diary

31考虑做某事               think about / consider doing sth.

32低重力篮球比赛                low gravity basketball game

33 没有污染的交通车辆 traffic with no /  without any air pollution

34 来自地球的货物                   goods from the Earth

35感觉像 / 想要 漂浮在空中     feel like floating in the air

36提高听力技巧                improve the listening ski图片关键词lls

37想要你们所有人都来               want all of you / you all to come

38 知道                be aware of / know

39你觉得。。。怎么样?           How do you like….?=What do you think of….?

4图片关键词0穿特殊靴子的人              people in special boots

41后背上背氧气罐的一个人    a person with an air tank on his bank

42 对某人/物有害           do harm to sb/ sth= be harmful to sb/ sth = harm sb/ sth

43 值得冒险图片关键词               be worth the risk / taking the risk[来源:||Z|X|X|K]

44 离地球很远           far (away) from the Earth

45 在一个空气比地球上稀薄得多的星球上

on a planet with/ that has much thinner air than that on the Earth

46. compare  with   比较        

compare  to     比作(比喻)  


1. --- Ive never thought about traveling into space.  我从来没有想过到太空旅行。

--- Me neither/ either. = Neither have I.  我也没有。

我也是:so do I

的确如此:so I do

2. How do you like life on Mars? = What do you think of life on Mars?      你认为火星的生活怎么样?

3. I cant get to my food.  我够不到我的食物。

4. Our own planet, the Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted because of the rapid increase in population.  


5. At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of passengers to Mars --- it would take months.  目前,我闪的宇图片关键词宙飞般太慢了,无法运送大批的乘客去火星——因为要花几个月的时间。

large numbers of = a large number of  大量的

6. Humans cannot survive without water, oxygen or food.  没有水、氧气或食物,人类就不能生存

7. Food would most probably be in the form of pills and would not be so tasty.  食物很大可能会以药片的形式存在,而且味道没那么可口。

in the form of     形式[:学科网ZXXK]

8. The gravity on Mars is only about three- eighths of that on the Earth.  火星上的重力大约只有地球上的八分之三。

9. Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging.  火星上的生活,不仅有挑战性,还很有趣。

10. Many people are in no doubt that   很多人确信

There is no doubt that   毫无疑问

11. They (online games) make us feel like we are really inside the games!  在线游戏使我们感觉像自己真的身临其境。

feel like doing sth.  想要;感觉好像


1. 状语从句&简单句

2. 宾语从句&简单句

3. 限制性定语从句&简单句



九年级下册共有四个单元,课本题材范围更广,反映了学生对未来生活的想象,如移居火星、拥有机器人生活方式、学习世界上著名伟人的事迹以及著名景点的介绍等。每一单元共有七个板块,分别是:Welcome to the unit, Reading, Grammar, Integrated skills, Study skills, Task and self-assessment. 其中第一、二、三、六板块比较重要,考试的重要知识点及语法主要分布在这几个板块。本册的语法比较重要,而最重要的的就是宾语从句,这一语法是考试重点,中考必考语法,也为高中语法作了过渡。








